The Importance of Teamwork in LOL Ranking

In the world of League of Legends (LoL), ranking up is a goal many players strive for. Yet, many find themselves stuck in the same rank season after season. While individual skill is important, it’s not the only factor that influences your rank. Teamwork plays a crucial role in climbing the ranks in LoL.

Understanding the LOL Rank System

Before diving into the importance of teamwork, it's key to understand how the ranking system in LoL works. The game uses a tiered ranking system that places players into different divisions based on their performance in ranked matches.

How Ranking Works

Placement Matches: At the beginning of each season, players play placement matches to determine their starting rank.
Earning LP: After placement, players earn or lose League Points (LP) based on match results. Winning games increases your LP, while losing games decreases it.
Promotions and Demotions: Gathering enough LP promotes you to the next division, while losing too often can lead to demotion.

Why Teamwork Matters

Synergy and Coordination

League of Legends is a team-based game. Even if you are the most skilled player, lack of coordination with your teammates can lead to defeat. Good teams communicate effectively, plan strategies, and work together.

Examples of Good Teamwork

Objective Control: Taking objectives like dragons, barons, and turrets requires team coordination.
Gank Assistance: When your jungler plans a gank, communication and cooperation can change the game's outcome.
Team Fights: Positioning and focusing on targets as a team can make a huge difference.

Positivity and Morale

Keeping a positive attitude can improve team morale and increase the chances of winning. Toxic behavior decreases team performance, while support and encouragement can boost everyone’s gameplay.

Improving Your Teamwork Skills

Communication is Key

Good communication can help your team perform better. Use the in-game chat and pings to give important information like enemy positions, cooldowns, and strategies.

Learn Different Roles

Knowing the responsibilities of different roles makes you a better teammate. Understanding your teammates’ needs helps you support them more effectively.


Being flexible can change the outcome of a game. Adapt your playstyle based on the team’s needs and how the game is going.

The Role of Practice and Persistence

Consistent Practice

Like any skill, teamwork improves with regular practice. Playing consistently with the same team helps build synergy.

Learning from Mistakes

Every game is a learning opportunity. Analyze your games to see what worked and what didn’t, then improve from there.


In conclusion, teamwork is a fundamental part of climbing the ranks in League of Legends. Focus on communication, understanding your role, adapting to your team, and practicing regularly to improve your rank. Remember, even the best players rely on their team to win games.

If you're looking for help climbing the ranks faster, N1Boost offers professional elo boosting, coaching, and account services to give you the competitive edge you need!