Oppressor MK 2 in GTA 5 Online: All You Need to Know About It
Oppressor MK2 is one of the most popular vehicles in the game. It's fast, stylish, and lethal. Learn more about what it is, how you can get it, and how much it's going to cost in this brief blog post!
What is Oppressor MK2?
Oppressor MK2 is a hover bike which means that you can literally fly on it. It's an obvious improvement over its predecessor the Oppressor bike which couldn't fly but could glide. The MK II Oppressor is also equipped with weapons like machine guns, gatling guns, and missile launchers. It also has a rocket boost ability that you can use every once in a while to greatly increase your speed (thankfully, not for long).
As you might have already guessed, when you use this bike, it's pure joy, but when you encounter an unpleasant hostile individual that uses it to harass you, nothing good comes of it and it's hard to escape. That's why it's essential to have this vehicle since that's one of the few ways to achieve parity with a harasser who also uses it.
So yes, it's very important. And some people use it so often that they start wondering whether it could be a good idea to have a bike like that in reality. And we'll give you some hope: Oppressor MK2 in real life is not exactly a dream. Check out this BMW prototype that might have actually served as an inspiration for GTA designers:
The full name of it is BMW R1200GS adventure hover ride concept bike. It was inspired by a LEGO model of a hover bike.
How to Get Oppressor MK2?
The easiest way to get this hover bike is by checking on Warstock Cache & Carry. They sell it for the default price of 8 Million dollars. But just like with most other things in the game, you can get a better price. "How to get trade price for Oppressor MK2?" is a question that comes up quite often so here's how you do it:
- Purchase the Terrorbyte truck
- Complete 5 client jobs
This will give you a 2 million discount and the Oppressor will become yours for just 6 million. Some might say that it makes no sense since you'll have to spend about 1.5 million to buy the Terrorbyte but since you'll likely go for it anyway (as it's where you can upgrade the Oppressor), consider doing your shopping in this order: first the mission control truck, then the hover bike.
Another question that we hear often is "Does the Oppressor MK2 come with missiles?" And the answer is no, unfortunately, it doesn't. You have to buy them separately. By default, however, the bike has a machine gun which is also a fun thing to use. See other weapon options for it and their prices in the table below:
Stock machine guns | $750 |
Homing missiles | $180,000 |
Explosive machine gun | $275,000 |
How to Control Oppressor MK II?
Oppressor MK2 controls on PC are another topic of discussion. It's not really something special, to be honest, but we've decided to collect all the relevant controls here. First, moving it:
W | Speed up, accelerate |
S | Slow down, brake |
X | Speed boost |
Space bar | Descend vertically |
W and S do what they do most of the time: get you going and slow you down. X can be used with short breaks to greatly increase your speed for a while. Space bar lets you just descend vertically which might be useful in some situations. Actually, that's how safe landing is done with the Oppressor, so it's good to know how you do it.
Now turning:
A | Turn left |
D | Turn right |
Num pad 8 | Pitch forward |
Num pad 5 | Pitch backward |
Ok, this part is a bit more confusing. A and D turn you left and right, respectively, but they do just that. Don't expect them to move you in those directions somehow. You still need to press W to move / accelerate – with A and D you just change the trajectory.
Num pad 8 and 5 are the most challenging buttons for most players. First of all, they use the inverted axis for tilting your hover bike. That is, you might expect 5 to tilt you forward but it's the other way round. To make it a bit more understandable: press Num pad 8 to go closer to the ground and press Num pad 5 to go away from the ground, up to the sky.
As for console controls, they are pretty basic and work the same way as for all other vehicles that can fly.
What Upgrades are Available for It?
GTA 5 Oppressor MK2 upgrades is another thing that players look for often. We've already given you the table of the available weapons a couple of sections above, now let's see what other things you can upgrade your bike with.
There are 6 more categories of upgrades, we've gathered info about them all in the table below:
Armor | $7.5k – 50k | Make your bike more protected. |
Countermeasures | $68k – 110k | Lessen the effectiveness of your opponents' weapons |
Engine block | $700 – 1.1k | Improve acceleration. |
Engine tunes | $9k – 33.5k | Improve acceleration. |
Lights | $600 – 7.5k | See further in the dark and blind your foes. |
Livery paint | $11.4k – 31.350 | Make your hover bike look impeccable. |
Now for the question, where to modify Oppressor Mk2. It's quite easy: you need the Terrorbyte truck for it. You'll also need a specialized workshop that can handle the Oppressor and it can be bought from Warstock Cache and Carry. In that workshop, you can put rockets on your bike and apply all the other modifications. Here's a video that shows you how to do it: [Insert video link here].