Why is Blue Side Better in League of Legends?

In League of Legends, the Blue side refers to the team whose base is located in the bottom-left corner of Summoner's Rift, the game's main map. The Blue side is often considered to have certain advantages over the Red side, and in this article, we'll explore why it is perceived as stronger.

Why is Blue Side Stronger than Red Side?

Players have noticed that the Blue side seems to offer some small advantages, which are not just perceptions but based on real game mechanics. Here’s a breakdown of the key reasons why the Blue side might have the upper hand:

  • Camera Angle: The game's default camera angle favors the Blue side, providing a clearer view of the action, especially towards the center and bottom of the map. This can make landing skill shots and maintaining map awareness slightly easier for Blue side players.
  • Dragon Control: The Dragon pit is located closer to the Blue side, giving them quicker access and more control over this important objective, which can lead to early game advantages in terms of buffs and gold income.
  • Lane Allocation: The asymmetry of the map means that the Blue side’s bot lane is closer to the Dragon, which can lead to better resource allocation and early Dragon control compared to the Red side.
  • Jungle Pathing and Ganking: The layout of the jungle favors certain pathing and ganking strategies on the Blue side. This can impact the early game dynamics, with Blue side junglers often finding more efficient or safer routes.
  • Statistical Tendencies: Historically, there has been a slight win rate advantage for the Blue side, supported by statistical data. This has been attributed to the combination of factors mentioned above, giving Blue side teams a marginal edge.


While the Blue side may have some inherent advantages due to the game’s design and map layout, it’s important to remember that winning in League of Legends ultimately depends on teamwork, strategy, and skill. Whether you’re on the Blue or Red side, focus on working with your team and adapting to the game's challenges for the best chance at victory!