What is Win Trading in League of Legends and How to Spot It?

What is Win Trading in League of Legends?

Win trading in League of Legends involves players intentionally losing matches to help their friends or acquaintances climb the ranks. Here's how it typically works:

Example Scenario:

John and Alex: Both are Grandmaster level players.

Queuing Up: They queue for matches separately at the same time.

Same Game: They may end up in the same game, either on the same team or as opponents.

Intentional Loss: If Alex needs one more win to reach Challenger, John might deliberately underperform (feeding, playing poorly) to ensure Alex wins.

Cycle: They repeat this process, trading wins to help each other climb the ranks or boost one player significantly higher.

Win trading can happen among friends or between strangers seeking mutual gain. It undermines the integrity of ranked play by artificially inflating ranks.

Do People Win Trade a Lot in Solo Queue?

•Yes, win trading is prevalent, especially in higher elo brackets. Here's why:

Career Opportunities: High ranks in League of Legends can lead to career opportunities in esports. Challenger players are often scouted by professional teams.

Boosting Services: Various websites and communities offer boosting services, sometimes employing win trading strategies to guarantee victories.

Challenges in Low Elo: Win trading is less effective in lower elos due to the larger player base and matchmaking diversity.

Why Does Win Trading Usually Happen in High Elo?

Win trading is more successful in high elo for several reasons:

Smaller Player Base: In higher ranks like Master, Grandmaster, and Challenger, the player pool is smaller. This makes it easier for two players to end up in the same game.

Predictable Matchmaking: High elo players often face the same pool of opponents, increasing the chances of encountering each other in matches.

Lower Elo Challenges: In contrast, Gold or Platinum players have a much larger and diverse pool of opponents, making coordinated win trading more difficult.

How to Spot a Win Trader

Irregular Match Outcomes:

Unusual Losses: Look for players or teams consistently losing in odd ways, such as deliberate deaths or poor decisions.

Skill Level Fluctuations: Watch for sudden drops in skill level, especially when a skilled player performs poorly against lower-skilled opponents.

Unusual Champion Picks and Behavior:

Off-Meta Picks: Players picking champions they rarely play or are not proficient with, possibly to handicap themselves.

Strange Behavior: Players engaging enemies without fighting back, neglecting objectives, or making decisions that hurt their team's chances.

Irregular Account Patterns:

Inconsistent Performance: Accounts frequently duo queuing with inconsistent performance when not paired, suggesting intentional sabotage to boost a partner's rank.

Skewed Win-Loss Ratios: Look for win-loss ratios heavily skewed against specific opponents or allies, indicating potential win trading patterns.


•Win trading is a detrimental practice in League of Legends, eroding the integrity of solo queue and unfairly advancing players. Despite Riot Games' efforts and community vigilance, win trading remains an issue.

•As dedicated players, it's essential to promote fair play, report suspicious activities, and support an environment valuing genuine skill and sportsmanship. By actively opposing win trading, we can help maintain the integrity of the game we love.

For those looking to enhance their League of Legends experience legitimately, consider exploring premium accounts or coaching services to improve your skills and climb the ranks fairly.