What is an Assassin Champion in League of Legends?
Assassins are a champion class in League of Legends known for their high burst damage and exceptional mobility. These champions excel at swiftly eliminating key targets, such as the enemy ADC or mid-laner, and escaping before the enemy team can retaliate. Their hit-and-run playstyle makes them fragile yet highly lethal when executed correctly.
Key Characteristics of Assassin Champions
- High Burst Damage: Assassins deal significant damage in a short period, often with just one combo.
- Mobility: Many assassins possess abilities like dashes, blinks, or stealth, allowing them to navigate team fights and pick off high-priority targets.
- Fragile: Assassins are typically squishy champions, meaning they rely on precise positioning and timing to avoid being killed.
Top 3 Assassin Champions in League of Legends
#3: Akali

Akali's exceptional mobility allows her to dart in and out of fights. Her ultimate, Perfect Execution, enables her to dash twice, finishing off low-health enemies. With her smoke bomb ability, Twilight Shroud, Akali can disappear mid-fight, dodging enemy attacks while repositioning for another burst.
#2: Fizz

Fizz's trickery makes him a slippery assassin. His Urchin Strike lets him dash to enemies while dealing damage. Fizz can also become untargetable for a brief moment with his Playful/Trickster ability, allowing him to avoid critical spells and quickly reposition. Fizz’s ultimate, Chum the Waters, can knock up and deal heavy damage to the enemy team.
#1: Qiyana

Qiyana’s elemental magic and ability to manipulate terrain make her one of the deadliest team-fight initiators. Her ultimate, Supreme Display of Talent, stuns and damages enemies who collide with terrain, often swinging team fights in her favor. Mastering her terrain-based abilities allows Qiyana to outmaneuver and destroy opponents with precision.
Assassins play a crucial role in disrupting enemy backlines and securing quick kills. Whether it's Akali dashing through a teamfight or Fizz tricking enemies with his slippery moves, mastering assassins can greatly impact your success on the Rift.
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