VALORANT Players Aren't Buying It: Gaia’s Vengeance 2.0 Bundle Drama

The Gaia’s Vengeance 2.0 bundle has arrived in VALORANT, and the community is buzzing with frustration. While VALORANT players are used to high-priced skins, this time, Riot Games might have crossed a line.

The Copy-Paste Melee

The new melee weapon in the Gaia’s Vengeance 2.0 bundle is causing quite a stir. While it offers a dual-wielding option—a dagger and an axe—the axe part is an exact replica of the original Gaia’s Vengeance bundle's axe, leaving players questioning the value of the new bundle.

Pricey and Familiar

To make matters worse, the dual-wielding weapon comes at a hefty price: 4350 VP. For comparison, the original axe from Gaia’s Vengeance was priced at 3550 VP, meaning players are paying more for essentially the same weapon in a new bundle.

We Just Want a Dagger

The community's frustration also stems from the fact that players were hoping for a standalone dagger. Many feel the dagger is sleek and minimalist, unlike the bulky dual-wielding option that clutters the screen.

Dual-Wielding Woes

Dual-wielding melee weapons in VALORANT aren't exactly popular. Players feel Riot Games missed the mark by reusing an old axe design instead of offering something fresh.

Will Riot Games Fix It?

Despite the outcry, it's unlikely that Riot Games will address these concerns. The community has voiced their dissatisfaction, but Riot has a history of sticking with their skin bundle decisions. If you're not a fan of the Gaia’s Vengeance 2.0 bundle, there are plenty of other skins that may better suit your style.


The Gaia’s Vengeance 2.0 bundle has sparked controversy among VALORANT players. With recycled designs and a higher price tag, players are understandably upset. While Riot Games might not fix the bundle, players can always save their money for better skin collections in the future.

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