Rocket League Removes Player Trading! What Does This Mean?

Trading has long been a core feature in Rocket League, enabling players to swap cars, decals, and other in-game items. This ability not only enhanced personalization but also fostered a vibrant community economy. However, a major change is on the horizon: Psyonix, the game's developer, has announced that as of April 5, 2024, player-to-player item trading will be removed from the game. This decision is stirring significant unrest within the Rocket League community.

The End of an Era

•The announcement marks a significant pivot in Rocket League's community interaction, reflecting a shift towards tighter control over the in-game economy. This change aligns with the policies of Epic Games, which acquired Psyonix in 2019. Epic's model across its titles discourages item trading to maintain a controlled, secure marketplace for in-game purchases. This move aims to ensure that all transactions can only be made within the official game environment, enhancing security and streamlining the economic model.

Implications for Players

This shift has profound implications for players:

•Loss of a Community Feature: Trading is a beloved aspect of the Rocket League experience. It provided a way to acquire specific items without relying on random chance from loot boxes or making direct purchases.

•Economic Impact: The secondary market for Rocket League items, facilitated by third-party platforms, will see a significant downturn. This could lead to a decrease in player engagement and community interaction.

•Shift to In-Game Purchases: Without the ability to trade, players might feel compelled to spend more on in-game purchases to obtain specific items, potentially increasing revenue for Psyonix and Epic Games but also raising concerns about increased player spending.

Community Reaction

•The community's response has been overwhelmingly negative. Players have expressed their discontent on social media, forums, and petitions, viewing this change as detrimental to the game’s community-driven aspect. The decision to remove trading has been perceived as prioritizing monetary gain over player satisfaction, which could harm the long-term loyalty and engagement of the player base.

What’s Next for Rocket League?

While the removal of trading marks the end of an era, it also opens up new possibilities:

•Enhanced Security: This change could reduce scams and other fraudulent activities associated with third-party trading platforms.

•Potential for New Features: Psyonix might introduce new ways to acquire and customize in-game items, possibly through expanded in-game events or enhanced reward systems.

•Cross-Promotion Opportunities: There might be potential for unique item offerings and collaborations within the broader Epic Games ecosystem, offering exclusive content that could attract a wider audience.


The removal of player trading in Rocket League is a controversial decision with significant ramifications for the game’s community and economy. As players adapt to this new landscape, the long-term effects on player engagement and satisfaction will become clearer. Psyonix will need to navigate these changes carefully to maintain trust and enthusiasm within their vibrant community.


•What should I do with duplicate items now? Players should use the Trade-In system available within Rocket League to exchange duplicates for items of higher rarity.

•Can I retrieve items I lent out? Trading is considered final, and Psyonix does not support reversing trades.

Are third-party trading sites still safe? Post-change, any sites claiming to facilitate item trading for Rocket League will be operating without support from Psyonix and could be fraudulent.