Most Popular Roles in League of Legends (2024)

Finding the right role in League of Legends can be challenging, especially for new players. Each role has unique playstyles and mechanics that require mastery. Here's a breakdown of the five main roles in League of Legends to help you understand what each entails and assist you in finding your preferred role.

Top Lane


•Known as the "island," the top lane is often isolated from other lanes. Top laners engage in one-on-one duels, focusing on outplaying their opponent. Champions here are often tanks, bruisers, or split-pushers.

Key Points:

Self-reliance: Top laners need to be independent and capable of managing their lane without much help. Teleport: Often used to provide strategic mobility across the map. Jungle Influence: Awareness of jungle ganks is crucial as it can significantly impact the outcome of the lane.



•The jungle role is dynamic, allowing the player to influence all lanes by ganking and securing objectives. Junglers don’t have a lane opponent, but they compete for jungle camps and map control.

Key Points:

Map Awareness: Essential for successful ganks and objective control. Decision Making: Balancing farm, ganks, and objectives is critical. Team Impact: The jungler’s actions can steer the game in the team’s favor, making it a high-impact role.

Mid Lane


•The mid lane is the most popular role due to its central position and diverse playstyles. Mid laners often play mages or assassins, providing burst damage and crowd control.

Key Points:

Roaming: The central location allows mid laners to influence other lanes. Synergy with Jungle: Close collaboration with the jungler can lead to significant advantages. Versatility: A variety of champions fit into the mid lane, accommodating different playstyles.

Bottom Lane - ADC


ADCs (Attack Damage Carries) are the primary damage dealers with long-range attacks but low health. They scale well into the late game, making them crucial for team fights.

Key Points:

Glass Cannon: High damage output but requires protection. Farm Focus: Early game is about farming to become powerful later. Team Dependence: Requires support and coordination to survive and thrive.

Bottom Lane - Support


Supports assist the ADC in the bottom lane, providing protection, crowd control, and vision. They play a crucial role in team fights and objective control.

Key Points:

Vision Control: Placing and clearing wards is a primary responsibility. Crowd Control: Many supports have abilities to stun, root, or otherwise control enemies. Team Utility: Supports often provide healing, shielding, or buffs to the team.


What is the most played role in League of Legends?

•The mid lane is the most popular role due to its versatility, central map position, and ability to influence the game significantly.

What is the easiest role to play in League of Legends?

•The support role is often considered easier for beginners because it focuses on assisting the ADC and providing vision, rather than intensive farming and mechanics.

What is the best role for climbing?

•The jungler role is often seen as the best for climbing ranks because of its ability to influence all lanes, secure objectives, and control the tempo of the game.


League of Legends offers a role for every playstyle, whether you prefer the solo focus of the top lane, the dynamic influence of the jungle, the versatile mid lane, the damage-dealing ADC, or the supportive role. Understanding the strengths and responsibilities of each role can help you find your niche and improve your gameplay experience. Whatever role you choose, continuous improvement, effective communication, and adaptability are key to success on the Summoner's Rift.