LoL Season 14: Mordekaiser's Ultimate and QSS Interaction

Mordekaiser’s ultimate ability, Realm of Death, has long been a game-changer in League of Legends. However, with potential changes on the Public Beta Environment (PBE), the interaction between Mordekaiser’s ultimate and Quicksilver Sash (QSS) could be significantly altered. In this blog, we explore how these changes could impact gameplay in Season 14.

Mordekaiser’s Ultimate: The Realm of Death

Mordekaiser’s ultimate, Realm of Death, allows him to isolate an enemy champion in a one-on-one duel, pulling them into a separate dimension. This ability can be a game-changer by removing a crucial opponent from team fights temporarily, turning the tide of battle in League of Legends.

Quicksilver Sash (QSS)

Historically, QSS has been the primary counter to Mordekaiser’s ultimate. By activating QSS, players could cleanse the effects of Realm of Death and escape the one-on-one duel. However, upcoming changes on the PBE suggest that QSS might no longer be able to remove Mordekaiser’s ultimate.

The Impact of the Change

Strategic Shift

If the changes go live, players will no longer be able to use QSS to escape Mordekaiser’s ultimate. This could cause a significant shift in champion selection, itemization, and strategy. Players who relied on QSS will need to adapt and explore new methods of countering Mordekaiser.

Champion Abilities as Counters

Certain champions have abilities that can counter Mordekaiser’s ultimate:

  • Gangplank: Remove Scurvy (W) allows Gangplank to cleanse Realm of Death with a well-timed W.
  • Olaf: Ragnarok (R) makes Olaf immune to crowd control effects, including Realm of Death.
  • Milio: Breath of Life (R) can cleanse all crowd control effects from allies, making it a potent tool against Mordekaiser’s ultimate.

Adjusting to the New Meta

Champion Picks and Bans

With QSS potentially losing its effectiveness against Mordekaiser, champion picks and bans could shift. Champions with innate counters, such as Gangplank, Olaf, and Milio, might become more popular, while Mordekaiser could become a high-priority ban in ranked games.

Itemization and Playstyle

Without QSS as a counter, players may need to rethink their item builds. Prioritizing health and sustain might become more important, while team compositions and coordination will play a bigger role in managing Mordekaiser’s ultimate.


The potential update to QSS and Mordekaiser’s ultimate interaction in League of Legends Season 14 represents a significant shift in gameplay. With QSS possibly no longer providing an escape, players must adapt their strategies to deal with Mordekaiser. This change will challenge players to explore new ways to counter Realm of Death and maintain the competitive edge.