League of Legends Step-by-Step to Changing Your Summoner Name

Step 1: Log into Your Account

•Start by opening the League of Legends client on your computer.

•Enter your account credentials to access your account.

Step 2: Navigate to the Store

•Within the client, locate and click on the "Store" button typically found at the top of the interface.

•The store is where you can purchase various items including the name change option.

Step 3: Access the Account Section

•In the store menu, find and select the "Account" tab. This section contains all services related to account modifications.

Step 4: Purchase a Name Change

•Look for the "Summoner Name Change" option and select it.

•You will be prompted to enter your desired new name. Make sure it adheres to Riot's naming guidelines and is not already taken by another player.

Step 5: Confirm and Pay

•Once you’ve chosen an available name, you will need to confirm your selection and complete the purchase using Riot Points (RP). The cost for a name change is usually around 1300 RP.

Step 6: Enjoy Your New Name

•After the purchase, your new Summoner Name should be active immediately. Enjoy your new identity in League of Legends!

Common Issues and Solutions

Insufficient Riot Points (RP):

•Make sure you have enough RP in your account to cover the name change cost. RP can be purchased directly through the game’s store.

Name Change Cooldown:

•Riot imposes a cooldown period of 30 days between name changes to discourage frequent changes. If you’ve changed your name recently, you'll need to wait until this period expires.

Unavailable Name:

•If the name you want is already taken, you’ll need to try different variations or a completely new name to find one that is available.

Naming Guidelines Violation:

•Avoid names that could be considered offensive or that violate League of Legends' naming policies. If your chosen name is rejected, try something more appropriate.

Technical Issues:

•If you encounter bugs or glitches during the name change process, consider restarting the client or reaching out to Riot Games support for assistance.

Why Change Your Summoner Name?

Changing your Summoner Name might be desired for several reasons:

•Rebranding: As you grow in the game, you might want a name that reflects your current gaming persona or clan affiliation.

•Privacy: Changing your name can also be a way to maintain privacy if your current name is too closely tied to your real-life identity.

•Fresh Start: Sometimes, a new name can symbolize a fresh start or new approach to the game.

Remember, while changing your name can be a fun way to express yourself in the game, make sure it’s a name you’ll be happy with for a while to avoid the need for frequent changes. Enjoy your new identity and make the most of your League of Legends experience!