League of Legends Season 14: Top 5 Best Supports to Synergize with Smolder

Mastering the support role in League of Legends is an art, often going unnoticed yet pivotal in steering the game towards victory. Choosing the ideal support to complement an ADC with a penchant for Smolder's daring and aggressive tactics is crucial for turning the tides in your favor.

This guide will spotlight the top 5 support champions that synergize perfectly with Smolder, enhancing their dynamic playstyle and maximizing their impact on the game. Ranging from formidable lane dominators to guardians with exceptional peeling capabilities, these supports offer the essential crowd control, sustain, and utility needed to unleash Smolder's full potential. Join us as we delve into the champions that can elevate Smolder's performance, ensuring their high-risk maneuvers translate into rewarding victories.

1. Rakan

Rakan leads our list as one of the best supports for Smolder in Season 14. Known for his exceptional engage capabilities, Rakan sets the stage for Smolder to secure an early advantage with aggressive plays. At level 6, their synergy peaks as Rakan can initiate team fights, giving Smolder the perfect setup to reposition and deal maximum damage.

2. Poppy

Poppy pairs perfectly with Smolder thanks to her crowd control and damage mitigation. Boasting a 53.5% win rate, Poppy's kit shields Smolder during high-risk engagements and punishes enemies with her CC abilities, ensuring that Smolder can safely unleash their full potential.

3. Maokai

Maokai is a reliable support for Smolder, offering sustain, crowd control, and excellent lane control. With a 53% win rate when paired with Smolder, Maokai's abilities ensure safe positioning and effective team fighting throughout the game.

4. Lulu

Lulu is a natural fit for Smolder, with her kit providing shields, attack speed boosts, and her life-saving ultimate. Lulu's synergy with Smolder maximizes his damage output and ensures survivability, especially in late-game team fights.

5. Thresh

Thresh is a playmaker that pairs well with Smolder, offering opportunities for both aggressive plays and defensive disengages. Thresh's hooks and lanterns provide the perfect utility to complement Smolder's explosive playstyle, ensuring they remain safe while taking risks.


Choosing the best support for Smolder in League of Legends Season 14 can significantly enhance your effectiveness in lane and during team fights. From Rakan's engage prowess to Thresh's playmaking potential, each support brings a unique set of skills that perfectly complement Smolder's aggressive tactics. Master these supports, and you'll see Smolder reach new heights in the Rift!