League of Legends Patch 14.6:New Bots, Balance Changes and More!

LoL Patch 14.6 is finally here, and it brings with it a ton of new stuff, including new bots, balance changes, bug fixes, and more. Want a detailed rundown of what's in this patch?

New Bots:

•The AI vs. Bots mode is getting a major upgrade in Patch 14.6 with the addition of new bots! These bots will have a variety of new abilities, including jungling, taking objectives, and ganking. They will also be able to lane swap and use different strategies to give players a more realistic experience.

New Bots' Features:

Enhanced Abilities: The new bots will have a variety of new abilities, including jungling, taking objectives like dragons and barons, lane pushing, and ganking.

Strategic Thinking: The new bots will be able to lane swap and use different strategies depending on the game state.

Realistic Experience: The new bots are designed to provide a more realistic gameplay experience.

Balance Changes:

•A number of champions have been balanced in this patch. Buffed champions include Cho'gath, Diana, Ornn, Shen, Sion, and Tryndamere. Nerfed champions include Briar, Gragas, Karma, Senna, Smolder, and Volibear.

Balance Changes Highlights:

Cho'gath: R damage and stun duration increased.

Diana: Q mana cost decreased.

Ornn: W shield strength increased.

Shen: E cooldown decreased.

Sion: Passive damage increased.

Tryndamere: Q critical strike chance increased.

Briar: Passive healing amount decreased.

Gragas: Q damage decreased.

Karma: R mana increased.

Senna: Passive soul collection rate decreased.

Smolder: W damage decreased.

Volibear: Passive movement speed bonus decreased.

Other Changes:

•DirectX 9 support will be removed in a future patch.

•New cosmetics and a cinematic story have been added for the Inkborn Fables theme.

Ranked rewards have been updated.

•A bunch of bugs have been fixed.

Other Changes Highlights:

•New Chromas: 13 new chromas added.

•New Emotes: 5 new emotes added.

•Bug Fixes: A variety of visual and functional bugs fixed.

Inkborn Fables:

•New Skins: Inkborn Fables themed skins added for Ahri, Jinx, Lulu, and Yasuo.

•Cinematic Story: A new cinematic story added for the Inkborn Fables theme.

Ranked Rewards:

•New Icons: New icons added for Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum ranks.

•New Borders: New borders added for Diamond, Master, and Grandmaster ranks.

Bug Fixes:

•A variety of visual and functional bugs fixed.

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