League of Legends Best Supports To Synergy with Zeri

In League of Legends, playing Zeri to her optimal potential is significantly influenced by the synergy she shares with her support partner. Below is a comprehensive look at the top seven supports that can maximize Zeri's strengths and contribute to dominating the bot lane.


Yuumi and Zeri form a nearly unstoppable duo, especially if Zeri is able to scale into the late game. Yuumi’s heals, speed boosts, and adaptive bonus damage complement Zeri’s agile and continuous damage playstyle. The ability of Yuumi to attach to Zeri and become untargetable allows her to stay safe while providing consistent support, making this duo particularly hard to counter in prolonged fights.


Lulu is another enchanting support that works wonders with Zeri. Her ability to enhance Zeri’s speed and size with "Whimsy" and "Wild Growth" not only protects Zeri but also allows her to stay in fights longer and dodge enemy attacks effectively. Lulu’s "Help, Pix!" also adds extra poke damage that benefits Zeri’s burst in trades.


•For a more playmaking approach, Thresh can synergize well with Zeri. His ability to control the battlefield with hooks and lanterns offers Zeri opportunities to capitalize on caught-out opponents without putting herself in danger. Thresh’s lantern is particularly useful for Zeri, giving her a way to engage or disengage quickly, depending on the situation.


Nami’s kit complements Zeri’s need for mobility and sustain. The movement speed from Nami's passive combined with her "Ebb and Flow" allows Zeri to weave in and out of combat while being healed. Additionally, Nami’s "Tidecaller's Blessing" provides extra slow and damage on Zeri’s already rapid-fire auto-attacks, enhancing her kiteability and chase potential.


Braum is a great defensive option for Zeri. His "Unbreakable" shield and passive "Concussive Blows" work well with Zeri’s fast attack speed, allowing them to quickly stun targets. Braum can protect Zeri from incoming damage while she utilizes her mobility to deal damage safely from behind his shield.


Janna provides excellent peel, protection, and enhancement for Zeri. Her "Eye of the Storm" shield not only defends Zeri but also increases her attack damage. Janna's "Monsoon" can disengage fights that don't favor them, while her "Howling Gale" and "Zephyr" can be used to interrupt enemies who try to close the distance on Zeri.


Karma offers both poke and protection, which aids Zeri’s aggressive playstyle. Her "Inspire" shield speeds up Zeri, helping her to engage or disengage quickly, while the "Mantra" boost can provide significant healing or shielding in critical moments. Karma’s ability to poke with "Inner Flame" also helps in keeping enemies at bay while Zeri farms or harasses.

Each of these supports brings unique advantages to the table, enhancing Zeri’s abilities in different ways. From the protective capabilities of Braum and Thresh to the speed and healing boosts from Nami and Yuumi, selecting the right support can be crucial in maximizing Zeri’s effectiveness in the game. Whether looking to dominate lane phases or control late-game team fights, pairing Zeri with any of these supports will be instrumental in climbing the ranks and securing victories in the bot lane.