Best Support Champions for League of Legends Season 14

League of Legends Season 14 has introduced various updates, including champion adjustments, new items, and map changes. For support players looking to excel in the new season, choosing the right champion is crucial. Here are the top 5 support champions that stand out in Patch 14.

1) Thresh

Thresh remains a top-tier support champion in Season 14 due to his versatile and impactful kit. He excels in most matchups, with a focus on crowd control and utility.

Key Strengths:

•Crowd Control: Thresh's Q (Death Sentence) can immobilize enemies, creating pick opportunities.

•Utility: His W (Dark Passage) can shield allies and offer strategic repositioning.

•Tankiness: Thresh becomes tankier as the game progresses, enhancing his durability.

•Playmaking: A well-placed hook can turn the tide of a lane or team fight.

Playstyle Tips:

•Focus on landing hooks to create kill opportunities.

•Use Dark Passage to save allies from dangerous situations.

•Coordinate with your team for effective ganks and objective control.

2) Blitzcrank

Blitzcrank is renowned for his playmaking and pick potential, making him a formidable support in Season 14. His ability to roam and create pressure across the map is invaluable.

Key Strengths:

•Hook: Blitzcrank's Q (Rocket Grab) can catch enemies off guard, leading to easy kills.

•Roaming: Effective roaming with your jungler can disrupt enemy plans and secure advantages.

•Pressure: The constant threat of a hook keeps enemies on edge.

Playstyle Tips:

•Look for roaming opportunities to assist other lanes.

•Position yourself to maximize hook potential.

•Use R (Static Field) for silencing and disrupting enemy abilities in team fights.

3) Sona

Sona shines as a versatile support, offering sustained healing, crowd control, and buffs to her allies. She is especially effective in Patch 14.1.

Key Strengths:

•Sustain: Sona's W (Aria of Perseverance) provides continuous healing and shields.

•Crowd Control: Her R (Crescendo) can stun multiple enemies, turning team fights.

•Buffs: Sona's passive auras enhance ally damage and survivability.

Playstyle Tips:

•Position carefully to maximize healing and damage.

•Use Crescendo to initiate fights or turn the tide of engagements.

•Focus on efficient trades and maintaining lane pressure.

4) Senna

Senna excels in aggressive playstyles, offering strong poke and trading capabilities. Her ability to roam and support other lanes makes her a top support pick.

Key Strengths:

•Poke: Senna's Q (Piercing Darkness) provides sustained poke and healing.

•Scaling: Senna scales well into the late game with her passive (Absolution).

•Roaming: Effective roaming can influence other lanes and secure objectives.

Playstyle Tips:

•Aggressively poke enemies while maintaining safe positioning.

•Utilize her global ultimate (Dawning Shadow) to impact fights across the map.

•Roam to assist your jungler and mid-laner when possible.

5) Soraka

Soraka is a hidden powerhouse in the current meta, offering unmatched healing and utility. Her global presence with her ultimate can save allies and turn fights.

Key Strengths:

•Healing: Soraka's W (Astral Infusion) provides substantial healing to allies.

•Global Impact: Her R (Wish) can heal all allies, making it a game-changing ability.

•Laning: Soraka can sustain herself and her ADC in lane, making her a tough opponent.

Playstyle Tips:

•Focus on keeping allies healthy with constant healing.

•Use Wish at critical moments to save allies or win team fights.

•Position carefully to avoid being caught out of position.


•As we embark on Season 14, these support championsThresh, Blitzcrank, Sona, Senna, and Soraka—stand out for their unique strengths and contributions to the team. Whether you prefer aggressive playmaking, sustained healing, or strategic utility, there is a support champion tailored to your style. Mastering these champions can give you a significant edge in climbing the ranks and achieving success in the new season.